
Just sharing a blog post of pastor Jaeson Ma:

You will either see nothing as a miracle, or you can choose to see everything as a miracle. You can choose to use your logic, or you can choose to have faith. When logic no longer has an answer for your problems, that is when faith is most needed and that is when miracles happen. Everyday, if you pay close attention you will recognize that many things that happen are more than mere coincidence, but possibly a divine orchestration of God’s intervention. A few ways to experience a miracle in your life…

1.    Believe in a Good God ~ miracles happen when have faith in a God that can make the impossible, possible.  When we believe that God is good, anything can happen! The Devil is always bad, God is always good, put your faith in God’s goodness & you will expect good things to happen to you!
2.    Pray Often ~ when you begin to pray about everything your spiritual eyes began to see past logic and into the realm of faith. You enter from the natural into the supernatural and this creates an environment around you for miracles to happen.
3.    Look for Signs ~ many times we recognize miracles when we pay attention to divine signs that appear in our lives. When you realize that something you just prayed for happened, or something is too good to be true, it’s probably a miracle on the rise.
4.    Be expectant ~ miracles happen to those who believe, those who exercise their faith and desire to see uncommon hopes accomplished. A pastor once said, “Impossible situations can become possible miracles” Every challenge is opportunity for a miracle to happen!

Remember that, “Everyday holds the possibility of a miracle.” We got to believe that in every challenge of life that we face, it presents an opportunity for miracles to take place. After all, just the fact that we are alive is a miracle in itself…Yes, you are the greatest miracle of all!

Read the original post here.

Pastor Jaeson is the coolest pastor evar!.. lol.


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