
Hey there~! lolx
Just another brief update.

From the previous post till now, one word to describe what's goin on through the time interval:

Learning. =)

Learning music.
Learning to teach.
Learning to relate with different people.
Learning to manage time.
Learning to give and take.
And again, learning music. haha

And classical guitar is actually FUN~!

Ok, back to learning. :)

Changed my home guitar string to nylon strings =D

And yes, I screwed my Project 365.
Oh well, not much of a concern now.



Please bear with me.

I'm in the transition period towards my working life.

I've slacked in my Project 365.

And I've slacked in my spiritual journal as well.


I'm slacking in this blog and even Skype as well.

I'll be back soon.. hopefully ~

So again, bear with me.  ^_^

Everything is fine by the way.

I'm just too excited with my work.

And I messed up my time management because of that.


Cheerz.  =D

Lack of post

I've been posting relatively very few times lately... yes... relatively (compare to previous months).


1.  My broadband reached its quota two weeks ago.  So, I'm deprived of Youtube videos and other updates/news.

2.  I got exam and have to study for it. (I got 3 papers)

3.  I have to train my guitar skills to be a better teacher.

4.  More time are spent on reflections since I started my spiritual journal.  And some blog contents are transfered to the journal instead.


Vampire vs AIDS

I was reading/studying/revising for Environment paper tomorrow and happened to stumble upon this article:

I laughed non-stop~!
Seriously funny~

So... vampires are vulnerable to AIDS, eh?... Thanks for the info. xD

For those taking Environment paper as well,
this is part of Dr Suffian's notes.

Page 3.

Check it out.  The same word is repeated on the next paragraph as well.

And all the best to all you vampires taking Environment paper tomorrow~! 

ADD: Didnt get it? The intended word was "such".


I've been getting questions on why I don't get a job related to civil engineering.

Firstly, remember our old friends Socrates, Plato, Aristotle? The ones we learnt last time in our Sejarah. Remember them? Ok...  Aristotle majors in  physics, metaphysics, poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric, politics, government, ethics, biology, and zoology.

My point? Life is about learning. And I came to learn.

Secondly, I'll give an analogy. Let's say you got some time and interest to learn basketball. So, you asked some friends to teach you to play basketball.  Then, after some time of training and practicing, you gained some good skills in basketball.

Does that mean you have to work as a professional basketball player after that?

The skill that you obtained will be used when you play basketball.  Same goes to engineering.  I came to learn civil engineering. And I've learnt a lot.  Does that mean I have to work as an engineer?

"But you spent so much time and money to learn wor.."  Yes, of course. So, I'll work to pay back what I've spent. But still, that doesn't mean that I need to work as an engineer. As for the time spent, it's never a waste, simply because I learnt, and I appreciate what I learnt all 4 years.

So again, life is about learning and giving. Whatever I learnt, I keep it and use it whenever it is needed.  I came to learn on civil engineering.  Then, the knowledge and skills I get, I kept it within me.  It becomes part of my nature, part of myself. Similar to the basketball skills we learnt.

Whenever we play basketball, we use our basketball skills.  And whenever we face civil engineering situations in our life, we use our civil engineering knowledge to help out.  I don't need to be engineer to contribute to the society.

"What about the pay?"
So, working is for money la?

Ok. Let me give my views. Many people, almost everyone, when they look for job, the first thing they'll ask is how much the company pays you?...

What has the world turned into? For me, if I were to find a job, I'll want to know what interesting projects that I can help out with? Or how I can serve them with what I have.

The pay wont be much of a concern.

If I work, I work to help people, not to get money for myself.

So... looking for jobs that pay high?
Think about this:
Do we even deserve such pay?
What's your motive of working?
For yourself?

Have we been brainwashed into kiasu-ness?

Spiritual Journal

Finally, I started my personal spiritual journal, after being inspired by this simple site:

Started on Thursday. So, today will be the 5th day already~ :D
And I trust that God will motivate me to keep going on.~
So, all the best to me.. hehe.. and my spiritual journey =)

Father God, lead me as I continue to seek You more and more.


Project 365: #84-89 - Nothing, really.

#84-Apr14:  Dinner at KFC

#85-Apr15:  Kittehz on the stairs, at hostel. :D

#86-Apr16:  Yellow slime in use. :)

#87-Apr17:  FYP plastic cover cut my hand.. zzz.. 

#88-Apr18:  Dinner at Hotel Damai

#89-Apr19:  Finally they built cloth hangars for those staying ground floor.

What is Project 365?  Read here.


May 23.. mark this date.. seriously!

God is gonna shake the earth again.

Prophecy from Cindy Jacobs:

This is what the Lord spoke to me yesterday (April 5th, 2010), “Cindy, Pentecost.  Check out the dates for this year’s Pentecost and call my people to cry out on that date.”
Pentecost this year is May 23 and it is an unusual one in that there is a convergence of the eastern and western traditions with the celebration being held on the same date.  This does happen, but rarely.  Then I noted that the last Global Day of Prayer event (these prayer meetings have been going on for ten years and this is the last one), will be held on Pentecost Sunday in Capetown, South Africa.
God wants His winds of Pentecost to blow at Pentecost.  The Lord says, “I want my people to pray in a new Pentecost that will sweep the face of the earth for I am coming with divine visitation that will touch heaven and earth.  Many will be swept into the Kingdom of God and my glory will pour our with signs and wonders both in heaven and the earth!
In the Russian Orthodox tradition, the night of Pentecost called for a special “Kneeling Prayer” service in which everyone makes a full prostration, touching their foreheads to the floor.
Let’s all participate and call for a day of fasting and prayer as the Holy Spirit is speaking and a Pentecost of wind, fire, and glory will break out across the face of the earth in unusual ways.

Pentecost is coming back ~!
Be on your guard !
Repent, for the kingdom of God is near.

PLEASE read the full article here.



I just thought of something..
Recently, the hot season is back.
And afternoons are the hottest hours.
And computers and laptops contribute further towards the heat (a lot actually).
So, I may as well shut down my laptop and do something else.
But not sleep, kay...  xD

So, yeap.. gonna start adapting this habit now.
Gonna be saving energy more and more~
And reducing the surrounding heat.

So, if u still see me online in the afternoons,
please check on me... haha.. thanks.

Gonna start now~ another commitment~ :D
Go green!



We all need to carry an attitude of gratitude. We need to count our blessings, because we are not promised tomorrow, but we can be thankful for what we have today. Nothing in this life should be taken for granted, but everything should be seen with perspective. All things work out together for the good in the end if we have faith; even our mistakes, challenges and sufferings make us uniquely who we are and stronger people. Not everyone in this life has been given a fair chance, but let us be thankful for what we have been given and be faithful to our values and convictions. Thank God for family, friends, the blessing of life and always remember to keep a heart of gratitude.
-- Jaeson Ma

Failure indeed.

Messed up ~
- Self pride
- Bad choice of location and time
- Insensitive towards response
- Unwilling to let go
- Wrong timing
- Should listen, not talk
- Self control fail
- Wrong item
- Wrong focus
- Sorry?

Learning in progress...
forgive me...
and thanks for the opportunity.
Again, learning in progress...

* Video as side distraction; somewhat related *

* Video as side distraction. *

No worries tho.
Life goes on ~

Project 365: #77-83 - FAIL?

#77-Apr7:  Thanks CF for such a grand  farewell for seniors this time :D
Awesome work~! Well done~ 
Thanks for such a wonderful, huge personalized gift xx

#78-Apr8:  Finally the little bridge is nearly finished..
connecting the susur gajah to the upcoming new buildings.

#79-Apr9:  See the little wooden pondok there?
The whole thing came on lorry, and the crane just dragged the structure
to its position. The pondok has already been fully constructed at factory.

#80-Apr10 & #81-Apr11:  Failed. No picture because I didnt bring my camera.
Read the previous post.

#82-Apr12:  Watching Glee whole day. 
Read my review at the previous post.

#83-Apr13:  Caught some friends at Old Town as well..


Recently: Work, Glee, EH

I havent been writing much lately. Most of the posts are just things copied and paste, random videos from youtube, and pictures with short labels. So, okay. I'll try to write something now. haha. =)

Firstly, I'll announce that I've just finished the last day of my study life in my Civil Engineering degree~! Last Friday was the last day. But ermm.. there's still final exam to come.. hehe. This week is the study week. Next week will be the first exam week, which I do not have any paper on that week... So, considered two study weeks for me =) Then, the week after that, I'll have all 3 papers together: Saturday, Monday, and last paper on Friday the 30th. Ngam ngam on the last day of the month~ Then, merdeka! lolz~ Meanwhile, for the moment, I still got another thing to hand in... the ultimate artifact.. the hardbound copy of my thesis~! haha. We have to produce 3 hardbound copies + 3 softcopies in CDs. So, yeap.. gonna be producing 'em soon~

Anyway, that was the a glimpse to the coming last days of my university life. I'm not pursuing Masters by the way.. thanks.. 4 years of experience is enough already.. hehe ;)  Then, the second thing is, the past Saturday and Sunday is my first failure for Project 365.  I went back home on Friday night... and I did NOT bring along my camera. So, no pictures for the next two days... plus today itself.. because I basically did nothing today other than watching Glee.. yep.. whole day on Glee.

Ok, on Saturday and Sunday, both days was spent at my future workplace.. hehe.. Jammin' Senzation music school~ Yay.. On Saturday, I got to observe some classes in progress as well as getting used to how the music school operates, seeing little kids having fun, parents coming in and out, meeting other teachers, and just simply hanging out...  And I'm loving the place n the ppl already~! But the salary will be relatively lower abit.. but i dun mind.. as long as I love what I'm doing. On the next day, Sunday, I got the opportunity to teach two classes, one on drums, one on guitar. Both as replacement teacher... hehe.. and it was fun and satisfying =) to be able to help others, to get to know them, and invest in their life..  Overall, I'm definitely going for this path of life.. yayy~

Next, about Glee. I got the first Season from dear friend Hock Siang... and I onli got Episodes 1 to 10. So, today, I watched all the 10 episodes in one shot.  And what I can say is.. Glee is basically a musical drama, very similar to High School Musical...
Musical-wise, it is very recommended for all musician, music lovers, and especially singers... the performances are absolutely awesome~ especially the mash-ups.

But there's a big flaw to the series. Story-wise, the series is a bad example for teens and youths. The story is filled with selfishness, greed, cheating, hatred, disunity, unfaithful love, pointless struggles, bad decision makings, and many other immoral behaviour and thinking.  I know these situations do happen in our regular lives as well.. But this series is exaggerating them too much.. So, overall, Glee is a no-no.. I dont recommend it.. simply because: in everything, our attitude, behaviour, and character should be the highest priority.  However good we are in music, it doesn't matter until we set our virtue and motives right... This series exposes too much of immoralities... So, again, I dont recommend watching it. Thanks.

Anyway..  this is what basically happened in the past few days of my life. =)  I'm back at campus now, and I miss the music school already~ :(


ADD:  And until now, I've kept the habit of keeping my desk light OFF at all times, all days, until now...  Hooray for Earth Hour~ ^_^ ~


ATTENTION: Prophecy came true!

Taken directly from Jaeson Ma's post on Easter Day:

Some of you have heard, but just about an hour ago at 3:40PM in Baja California a massive 7.2 (some say 6.9) earthquake hit. We felt the earthquake at 3:44PM on 4/4 in downtown LA right while I was speaking about God’s coming revival and glory to LA with three friends at a cafe. When the table begin to shake and the ground began to quake, we knew it was not only an earthquake, but a SIGN from heaven that God’s kingdom is coming! I don’t believe anyone needs to be afraid as long as we are walking with God. He gives us warnings in order to prepare us, to protect us because He loves us. We must always live each day as if it were our last, live like were dying, nothing new for anyone who follows Christ as His disciple for He calls us to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him daily… with this recent earthquake on 4/4 Easter my thoughts…
What does this mean? Many people were questioning my prophetic word written on 3/25 about 4.4 Earthquake on 4/4 read here. I never predicted directly in my prophetic word it would happen today, but I alluded to the prophetic confirmations and not mere coincidences that it was possible and that God is coming into Southern California once again with His glory and all flesh would see it. That I believed there was not a coincidence with the 4.4 earthquake occurring at 4:04 and Easter being 4/4 this year. Now that the earthquake has happened on 4/4 here in Southern California…I write this still with a burning heart, but sober mind set.
Here I am, with my heart burning within me as I write this, knowing that we are about to enter into a sweeping move of revival and awakening like this city, this generation has never seen. I spent the whole day yesterday walking the beaches of Malibu praying to my Savior, for I knew that what He revealed to me in that time was significant and a confirmation to the earthquake today….
I am exhorting us and challenging us all, don’t take these supernatural signs as mere coincidence, they didn’t in Biblical times neither should we. In these times, when God reveals His heart and His incoming presence we must meditate on God’s Word and remain holy, humble and hidden…
“Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.” The words “once more” indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.” Hebrews 12:26-29

Please read the full article here.

And read the earlier prophecy on this event.

Reflect on it, and ask God how should we Christians in Malaysia respond to this.
I repeat... this is a serious matter.

Spiritual Gifts - retake

The previous time I took this test was...
I think 2 months ago, maybe?

So, now I retake again.. :D

Click image for clearer view.



Joy of Blessing

Such a joy to be able to bless others with what we have!  In the end, all comes from God, and all returns to God.  Nothing belongs to us.  So, why not share with others what God has given us?  By sharing the things we have, we are actually sharing God's love.

Today, I've blessed around 8 of my friends, directly and indirectly.
So happy~ ^_^
From my previous post.. yes, the Project 365 post.. from that post, I mentioned two gift packages given to two lovely coursemates. Yep, that's the most joyful moment for the day. Really loved both of them~ xx

Other than that, for two other friends, I've given them gifts indirectly...
another two, I blessed them by doing my responsibilities more than their expectation...
and another two I've spent some quality time with them.

Oh ya, just recalled another blessing~
I've blessed the school as well, by cheerfully giving to the printing service although I didn't use it. :D

So, all in all, really thank God for giving me this opportunity to be a blessing to many friends today.
Thank you, Father, for guiding me and working through me.
Give me more opportunities, Lord, to show Your love to others. Lead me, Lord.

The joy of giving:
I have nothing to lose, because I have nothing in the first place.
How can I lose something that do not belong to me in the first place?


Project 365: #71-76 - Life itself

#71-Apr1:  Suddenly I see an emoticon on my guitar..
hmm.. what an April Fool :D

#72-Apr2:  Watch this at Sunway. Much worse than what we expected.
Percy Jackson was better in almost all aspects..

#73-Apr3:  There's a bird at my window~
And there's something in it's mouth xD

#74-Apr4:  Am I actually seeing this? Not just the two basins.
The one at the end is stained as well. So, only left one clean one.

#75-Apr5:  FYP presentation~~ not mine..
Mine has passed earlier in the day.

#76-Apr6:  Gave two gift packages to two lovely coursemates~~

What is Project 365?  Read here.


Yay~ one week of commitment =)

It's now exactly one week after the Earth Hour.
And I have kept my commitment till now.

I did not switch on my table light for one week already~!
And in addition, unlike last time...
now I also switch off my laptop and speakers whenever I'm not using it. :)

And the feeling is.. COOL~
It cools down the heart and cools me down physically (less heat generated)... lolx.

Even now.. 1.30am.. the room light is off..
and I still kept my table light OFF... hehe..
The laptop is bright enough to light up the area around it..
And I'm writing this post now..
with lights only from my laptop  :D


And dont worry about damage to the eyes..
It doesnt work that way..
So far so good..
And I will definitely continue this habit~

Save energy... it has to start somewhere..
Why not ourselves?


Blessed Easter!


Being honest, you can't go wrong

This is taken directly from JMA's website.

It was a special and unpredicted night. I was invited by good friend and mentor Dave Gibbons to go to his home to meet with some key leaders in finance, media/entertainment & social innovation. I thought it would be a dinner with maybe two other parties, instead when we got there it was a living room full of high powered movers and shakers that all had one thing in common… pain.
No one had a clue why we were there specifically, who we were going to meet, but a room full of strangers by the end of the night became knitted at the heart and connected in the spirit. Dave had everyone after dinner share a little bit about themselves, and what was supposed to be a personal and general introduction turned into each person sharing their life story, their personal struggles, how they have failed and how they have also overcome different challenges in their lives. To be honest, I was shocked as one by one each person bared all. Normally, the kind of people in this room would be those in our society whom the normal public would think would have it all together, the fame, the fortune and the influence, instead what became a common thread throughout each person’s sharing was how meaningless, without purpose and empty is a life full of material wealth, but no spiritual wealth.
Tears began to flow as each person shared. When it came time for me to share, instead of sharing from a place of power, I also shared from a place of honest pain. I shared how I mentally, physically and spiritually broke down about 4 years ago, how I almost gave up on being a pastor, gave up on my calling and had so many inner struggles that I could not overcome. I could have shared all my achievements, instead, I’ve learned achievements mean nothing in this life if you don’t have God, if you don’t have friends, if you don’t have peace.
When it came time to pray, the Spirit of God came in power into the room. So many in that place felt like they weren’t good enough for God, or God had forgotten them, or they didn’t even know if God exists, my heart went out to each of them. I was moved with love to pray for each of them and give to each one a prophetic word from God… one man, probably twice my age, broke down into tears and just began to hug me as I prayed for me. He wouldn’t let go, it lasted for more than 20 minutes and I realized all this man needed was God’s love, a hug from his Heavenly Father, in the worlds terms he had everything, but in his soul he was empty and crying out for love and acceptance. In that moment, as we hugged I knew that God was pouring His unconditional love into his heart, after the night was over he was beaming and overjoyed with his wife. God heals.
So many other things happened tonight, but what stood out to me was this… that it’s not in our pride, nor or power that we experience love. But it’s in our pain and our struggle. See, without pain we can’t experience love. When we embrace pain, we can experience compassion. Whether you are rich or poor, everyone is hungry for love and all it takes is someone to be humble, honest and willing to give it.
365 Days of Love: Share with others your pain, be honest with who you really are, empathize with others and love will overcome!
Go there and read the feedbacks to this post.


Project 365: #68-70 End of March

#68-Mar29:  Done! Business Report~
Couldn't believe it'll end up with 52 pages~!

#69-Mar30:  Raining season is back~!
A good start for next month.

#70-Mar31:  My design has made it to reality~ lolx
There was a talk on Penang Bridge Widening earlier in the afternoon.
Then, CF at night was AGM & Bible Quiz.
And distributing these T-shirts~
Again, it's my design~! Woohoo~~


And so, I'll end this month with this encouraging, lovely video.



Earth Spirit

Earth Hour just passed about 3 days back.

And I've still kept the spirit till now.

I haven't been using my desk lamp since that night till now. Basically, I did not switch on my table light ever since the Earth Hour 3 days ago, except for about two hours last night, to do some serious readings. Apart from that two hours, I've kept the lights off all this while. know what? I find it kinda cool though~ haha.
It cools down the heart... and obviously, cools you physically.

Since most of my readings and studies are done on the laptop screen, I don't actually need the table light anymore. Even when the room light is switched off at night, I do not switch on the desk lamp, simply because the light from the screen is bright enough to light up the small area around it, which for me is sufficient already.

So, yeap.. I'm gonna keep this habit~
Big thanks to the Earth Hour! Yay~

Let's together keep the "earth spirit".

ADD:  And no.. the less light wont spoil my eyes. It doesn't work that way.

Fire vs Ice

Volcano in Iceland,
started Sunday last week,
and is still going on till this moment,
and may continue to last for a few more days,
or even up to two years later.

woW~! Amazing..

yet dangerous,
not because of the volcano itself,
but the possible massive flooding succeeding it,
due to fire vs ice.


ATTENTION: Prophecy by JMA : Earthquakes + #4

Here's an excerpt from a recent post by Pastor Jaeson Ma.
Please, I beg you, to read the full article.

I woke at 4:03AM one minute before the earthquake. As I was walking into my bathroom the room began to shake. I knew it was an earthquake. I began to pray and the Lord spoke to me that it was a “wake up call” to His people. In the morning, I find out that the earthquake was 4.4 at 4:04AM and happened on the 16th (4×4) day of March (3/16/10). Where also this year Easter falls on 4/4/10. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Why is this prophetically significant?
I looked up these two verses in the morning understanding them from a cprophetic standpoint:
Psalm 4:4 In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent. Selah, Offer right sacrifices and trust in the LORD.
This verse is to remind us that we are to check our hearts, while everyone at 4:04AM was on their beds we were to search our hearts of any sin, any unrighteousness and to be silent before God’s almighty presence. We were to remember not to put our trust in our own riches, possessions or power, but to put our complete trust in the Lord.
Isaiah 40:4 “Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. And the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all mankind together will see it. For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.”
Can this Scripture be any more clear? God is coming in His power to level and destroy every mountain and hill, any demonic or unrighteous stronghold that puts itself up against the Lord. In a city where Hollywood shuns the name of Christ, puts itself up against the name of God, perpetuates sin, darkness and wickedness to the nations, a city where sexual immorality, homelessness, and drunkenness abound, all these demonic strongholds of fame, fortune and false gods will be brought low and the valleys shall be raised up. Those who stand for righteousness will be raised up in the land. So we are to get right with God, or get gone when judgment comes. It is a wake up call! Why, because in verse 5 it clearly states “And the glory of the Lord will be revealed.” God desires to reveal His glory, but He can’t come in His glory without first humbling the land, cleansing the sin and unrighteousness, so that the land can be healed. This can only happen if we as His Church will humble ourselves, turn from our wicked ways, seek His face and then He will heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14).
It so happens this year Easter lands on 4/4. God is warning us, waking us and urging us to wash ourselves clean of all sin and unrighteousness to prepare for a great glory that is about to be revealed in our land, but it will not come without impending shaking and possible judgement.

In another part of the same post:

I can not get into prophetic details, but the past months the Spirit has been leading me and others prayer intercessors to pray for specific Hollywood strongholds in the media, music, porn and other communities with tangible and specific confirmations from God that these industries will fall apart very soon…
Then in just the last 3 weeks I have met with key Christian leaders all across LA who minister in the Hollywood industry to link hearts in unity and prayer for the revival of this city. We all felt in our meetings that God was calling us to unite for a greater outpouring…. something in the Spirit realm has been brewing. 


Thank You Lord (hymn)

This song reminded me of Pastor Lim Keong Goo... haha
He introduced the song to my church.

And Daniel Choo just covered it~!
Simple song with very powerful words..

Stay strong, Pastor Lim!

Project 365: #61-67 - Lifeless yet meaningful

#61-Mar22:  Took this at the wrong time.
See the mosquitoes on the mirror?
There are usually more of them.. a LOT more..
At night.

#62-Mar23:  Jazz is fun! but very diverse.
Still, its fun and interesting~!

#63-Mar24:  Kittehz~!  3 lil ones in the box, with mom guarding.
Surprisingly.. just two floors below my room.

#64-Mar25:  Didn't realise the construction has progressed beautifully~
Those certainly look like white pyramids!.. lolx

#65-Mar26:  Finally I'm watching this certain movie that I was looking for.

#66-Mar27:  Earth Hour 2010~~ Went to Old Town to do work..
ended up doing other stuffs.. lolx.

#67-Mar28:  Worship practice for the coming CF meeting.
AGM + Bible quiz.

What is Project 365?  Read here.


Taylor Swift Medley

Excellent video quality and filming.
Awesome voice and playing.
Just a bit messy and chaotic.
Because too many songs were blended in together.

Overall, COOL !
Excellent piece of art!
Must watch!


(Drag me head first, fearless)
We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes and the flashback starts I'm standing there
(Jump then fall)
On a balcony in summers air
(Jump then fall into me)

Youre on the phone with your girlfriend she's upset
Shes going off about something that you said
She doesnt get your humor like I do
(Jump then headfirst fearless)

(You stare at the phone)
But you were Romeo
(He still hasn't called)
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
(Can't feel nothing at all)
And I was crying on the staircase
(When he said forever and always)
And I said

(You're the reason for the teardrops on my guitar)
(Forever and always)
I'll be waiting all thats left to do is run
(Today was a fairy tale)
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
(Only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star)
(Forever and always)
It's a love story baby

You should've said no
You should've gone home
I'm wondering if you'll ever be coming around
(Our song is the slammin' screen door)

I Should've been there
In the back of your mind
(Forever and always)
When I met you on the outskirts of town

And I said Romeo save me
(I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale)
I keep waiting
(Lead me up the stairwell)
Is this in my head, I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring

Marry me Juliet
(You're the reason for the teardrops on my guitar)
(Forever and always)
Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you
(Today was a fairy tale)
Our song is the slamming screen door
You belong with me
(Jump then head first fearless)
(I'm not a princess)

Romeo save me
(Only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star)
(Forever and always)
I've been here all along so why can't you
(This ain't a fairy tale)
(You should've said no)
Our song is the slamming screen door
You belong with me
(Jump then head first fearless)
(I'm not a princess)

Marry me Juliet
(You're the reason for the teardrops on my guitar)
(Forever and always)
Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you
(Today was a fairy tale)
Our song is the slammin' screen door
You belong with me
(Jump then head first fearless)
(I'm not a princess)

Romeo save me
(Only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star)
(Forever and always)
I've been here all along so why can't you
(This ain't a fairy tale)
(You should've said no)
Our song is the slammin' screen door
(You belong with me)
It's a love story baby just say yes

Check out their YouTube channel for more amazing videos.
The other videos are EQUALLY AWESOME!

ADD: Oh ya.. I forgot to link the Youtube channel of the the main girl in the video. So, here's the page.


Let's Observe Earth Hour

I'm writing this post half hour before the official Earth Hour, and one hour before USM's Earth Hour. So, I'm gonna switch off everything and go out somewhere else to lepak. Cya!

Let's together observe Earth Hour 2010~! Yay~


When Mass Comm Students Did Too Well...

First came this news article..

TNB to sue WWF over Earth Hour

KUALA LUMPUR — Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Malaysia’s premier energy provider today announced that they were taking legal action against the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) for organising the Earth Hour, a global movement that makes a stand against climate change by turning off all non-essential lights and electrical equipment for an hour every year.

In a Press conference, TNB president and CEO Dato’ Sri Che Khalib Mohd Noh said that the annual worldwide symbolic gesture, which this year would be observed this Saturday at 8.30pm, is nothing more than an ‘arrogant and thoughtless viral movement’ aimed to hurt power companies such as TNB.

“Obviously these green-minded fellows think they’re really cute, organising such an irresponsible campaign,” said Che Khalib angrily. “They say ‘turn off your lights for an hour’ and people do. I bet that really makes them feel all powerful.

“What these western colonialists fail to grasp is how such drastic action affects the poor companies like us. One hour of unused electricity means an hour of wastage for TNB. Did you know that last year’s Earth Hour costed us millions in unrealised revenue?” asked Che Khalib, seething.

“How do you think that affected our production? We couldn’t exactly turn off our power plants just because a large number of Malaysians turn off their lights at the same time. So imagine all that wasted energy.

“This year, we expect even more people to fall for this global con-job,” added Che Khalib. “So there’ll be more lights turned off. KL alone would be engulfed in darkness. Yes, sure, it may seem fun to some, running around in complete darkness. But that also means TNB would get less money. Tell me, what am I supposed to say to the kids of this electrical technician when we can’t give bonus this year?” asked Che Khalib, as he pointed to a TNB staff manning the lights for the Press conference.

He added, “In light of such inconsiderate actions by these tree huggers, TNB has no choice but to take legal action against the Earth Hour organisers, WWF. We’ll wait for our accountants to come back with the loss figure after this year’s Earth Hour, and we plan to sue them for that same amount. We may even add a hundred million ringgit or so, to teach them a lesson.”

Che Khalib also reminded Malaysians to ignore the Earth Hour, calling it a ‘cultural invasion, a concerted assault by extreme liberal forces aimed to destabilise poorer nations’.

“We are Malaysians, and we should be proud of our lights. Every night we should go out and see the beautiful sparkling lights in our city skylines. Don’t be ashamed of the lights,” said Che Khalib, as he unveiled a set of pictures showing the Petronas Twin Towers and the surrounding buildings consequently going dark during last year’s Earth Hour.

“See this? See how ugly, gloomy and dark the last picture is? God knows how many people tripped over things and hurt themselves in the complete darkness, not to mention the number of bad people going around doing naughty things, knowing the authorities could not see them.

“Let’s reverse the order of these pictures this year, and fight for the rights to our lights,” continued Che Khalib. “Let’s unite as 1Malaysia, and tell these green terrorists that we will not go dark! We will not switch off! Let’s tell them that we love our lights!

“POWERRR… EXTREME!” he screamed, as powerful clusters of foglamps flooded the conference room with ultra-bright and hot light, temporarily blinding everyone present, and signalling the end of the Press conference.


Then, came this one:

Nose4news editor Hassan Skodeng says sorry for sounding real

KUALA LUMPUR — The editor of Nose4News has apologised to TNB president and CEO, Dato’ Sri Che Khalib Mohd Noh, the staff and stakeholders of Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), along with Nose4News readers and Malaysians in general for making his fake news sound too real.

In a statement read by his lawyer cum occasional punching bag, Leman Keding, Hassan said that he was sorry to have caused such ruckus, and that he didn’t mean to make anyone believe his extraordinarily stinky crap.

“I have been rather naughty, I have to admit,” said Hassan. “In coming up with this rotten piece of doo-doo, I had probably used too many realistic elements, and not concocting enough bullshit to keep the fake news sound fake-ish. Perhaps I should have referred to the TNB president and CEO by his actual alien name, Klathoxx-513, instead of the name he uses on Earth and one he is most known by.

“I formally apologise to Che Khalib, his staff and their family members for this irresponsible writing. TNB is a fine organisation, and every member of TNB works selflessly to keep the nation supplied with electricity.

“To all Malaysians, I also apologise for sounding like I was telling the truth. I wish to clarify that TNB is NOT suing the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), or anyone, for that matter, for organising the Earth Hour. In fact, TNB fully supports the Earth Hour global project, and any effort to conserve energy.”

Hassan also implores all Nose4news readers to stop believing his lies, no matter how true they sound.

“Apparently all the warnings I placed all over Nose4News that everything on this site is pure fiction, true lies, pure horsecrap and has nothing to do with anybody alive, dead, undead and unalive, are not sufficient to keep everyone disbelieving my bullshit. For that, I am truly sorry.

“I also would like to take this opportunity to further clarify on my previous writings,” continued Hassan regretfully.

“Sabah and Sarawak will NOT be relocated to the peninsular at a cost of RM850 trillion. The world does not have that kind of money.

“Bill Gates did NOT patent the word ‘Fuck’, so everyone may continue using the term without fear of being billed by Microsoft.

“Ultraman did NOT kill an endangered giant crocodile. As far as I know, Ultraman has not killed any benevolent creature, by accident or on purpose. He is a responsible and caring gigantic superhero. Love him to bits.

“Malaysia did NOT enlist Voltron or any other giant robot to help tackle the economic crisis, and the country is also NOT planning to triple the Scenic Bridge.

“And lastly, Asia’s Biggest Loser champion David Gurnani has NOT lost all his weight. Mr Gurnani is still very much not weightless, even if he looks like he is.

“As you can see above, my lies sound very credible. It’s almost like I work at CNN or something. I’m such a bastard.”

Hassan promises to not sound too real in his future articles, and will include bolder and clearer warnings so that his fictional creations will no longer be believed by anyone with a reasonable amount of sensibility and even half-an-ounce of intelligence.

“Again, I’m sorry. I swear, on the name of my mother’s cousin’s uncle-twice-removed, the next time I write, I’ll make it obvious that I’m only bullshitting. And that, is the truth. Really.”


And both are by the same writer.
Get what I mean?

You did very well, Hassan!
both articles are really funnily hilarious! lololl..

Bravo to Nose4news! best blog evar!


Water Cycle

Everlasting & Intimacy

Why spend so much money for TEMPORARY satisfaction/pleasure/entertainment,
when you can spend absolutely NOTHING for PERMANENT, everlasting, infinite satisfaction?

This is what I see happening recently in my campus life.
We are now in our final semester of our final year.
So... many activities, hangouts & adventure has been organized because time is now limited for us.
Reasons for the activities?
To have enjoyment time TOGETHER.
To build better RELATIONSHIP with one another before leaving campus life.

Enjoying after all the struggling for 4 years?
Meaning not enough enjoyment for the previous years?
Then, how long will these recent enjoyment last?

All the activities organized recently...
How long will the memory last?
How long will the satisfaction last?
From the pattern, we seem to continue to organize more and more activities..
So, what does this mean?
The previous activity did not provide enough satisfaction.

Eveytime immediately after an activity, we will feel the full satisfaction.
Then, after a few days... what happen?
The satisfaction is gone.

Why spend so much money for TEMPORARY satisfaction/pleasure/entertainment,
when you can spend absolutely NOTHING for PERMANENT, everlasting, infinite satisfaction?

Another reason is to get experience.
That is a really good reason.
But I dont think it is the 1st priority for most of us.

Then, the next reason is to improve relationship with one another.
Quality time?
After all these activities.. how much closer you get with your friends?
Just a bit only, rite?

activities done in big groups of people will only help very little in relationship.
That is why a boyfriend and girlfriend go dating.
Dating is only between the two persons.
And it is the best way to improve true relationship with one another.
The best way to really get to know the true character of a person is through one-to-one conversation.

In a group, we will only get information... we dont get better relationships.

So, in the end, what's the purpose of outings and activities?
The only good reason is to get experience...
Other than that,
If you go outing for pleasure and satisfaction... no need to go ... because it will just last a few days.
If you go outing for quality time with your friends... no need... because in a group, people usually do not show their TRUE character.
it's better to spend private time with each one of them, privately, then you will really get to know the REAL person... and your relationship with that person will improve A LOT.

True intimacy happens ONLY when you spend private time with another person.

Why spend so much money for TEMPORARY satisfaction/pleasure/entertainment,
when you can spend absolutely NOTHING for PERMANENT, everlasting, infinite satisfaction?

The answer is Jesus. He gives the permanent satisfaction; no need money at all.

And there are many helpless people around us that needs money.
So, try not to spend too much for temporary things.


Paul Gilbert - Fly Me To The Moon


Project 365: #56-60

#56-Mar17:  Educational visit to a medical waste incinerator in Taiping

#57-Mar18:  Didnt know bread has dropped price.. 3.2 -> 2.9

#58-Mar19:  They installed awning for 1st floor... hmm.

#59-Mar20:  Formated my laptop for Windows 7!

#60-Mar21:  WVC Trio+1 Concert+workshop, at Cititel Penang
It's all about jazz. And jazz I'm heading now.

What is Project 365? Read here.


A friend posted this short article on facebook:

Why Go To Church?
A Churchgoer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. "I've gone for 30 years now," he wrote, "and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons. But for the life of me, I can't remember a single one of them. So, I think I'm wasting my time and the preachers are wasting theirs by giving all those sermons as well."
This started a real controversy in the "Letters to the Editor" column, much to the delight of the editor. It went on for weeks until someone wrote this clincher: "I've been married for 30 years now. In that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals. But, for the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of those meals but I do know this. They all nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to do my work. If my wife had not given me these meals, I would be physically dead today. Likewise, if I had not gone to church for nourishment, I would be spiritually dead today!"
When you are DOWN to nothing.... God is UP to something! Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible! Thank God for our physical AND our spiritual nourishment!

First of all, I would like to say that this article is quite a dangerous article; simply because it can be interpreted differently depending on how you see it. If a non-believer or even a believer is convinced that this is how church works, then, God have mercy upon them, because they only got the smallest part of how church works. This article only shows a small portion of how church works, and it will be misleading if people simply just take it as the major role of a church.

In the first paragraph, there is this guy that goes to church for 30+ years already, and has listened to 3000++ sermons, and yet he did not remembered any one of it. This clearly shows that this person is NOT a Christian at all. A born-again Christian has been given the Holy Spirit as guide and mentor, and the Holy Spirit WILL teach the person on every sermons he hears. And with the discipline of God, the spiritual lessons learnt will be integrated into the life and character of the person.

So, if the person did not get anything from the 3000++ sermons after 30+ years, he does not have the Holy Spirit. If he does not have the Holy Spirit, he is not a born-again Christian. If he is not a born-again Christian, he is NOT a Christian at all. Having "Christian" written as your religion does NOT mean you are a Christian. For further readings, please study the book of Hebrews. It's just a short book, but contains very heart-piercing words.

However, if we are to assume that the person is not a Christian, then it's totally fine. A churchgoer do not necessary mean a Christian, simply because any non-believers are welcomed to attend church anytime, as frequent as they want. But,
1 Corinthians 2:14  The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.
Thus, non-believers who attends church will find it very hard to understand the sermons. Thus, this supports that the person mentioned earlier is NOT a Christian.

 Next, let's examine this statement from the 2nd paragraph:
 "if I had not gone to church for nourishment, I would be spiritually dead today!"
That is not true. Going to church is NOT the ONLY way for nourishment and it is not even the best way. The best way to keep yourself in-tune with God is have a consistent heart that seeks Him; consistent in a way that you continue to long for God and to seek Him EVERY MOMENT of your life. And by seeking Him, we will be nourished.

The purpose of going to church is not for ourselves, but for body of Christ as a whole, for corporate worship, and to uphold one another. So, if our purpose is for nourishment, we do not need to go to church for that. We can do it anywhere, anytime, because God is omnipresent; He is everywhere at everytime. So, practically, if you do not go to church, you will NOT necessary decay spiritually. No doubt that it is true you will get nourishment if you go to church. But church is just one day of a week; not even one day; just half a day. What matters more is how you live your life the rest of the week. Do you continue to seek God, longing for Him consistently?

So, in conclusion, the article above is misleading and can be very dangerous if we do not understand the truth of the Scripture and what God wants of us.

And I am NOT against attending church. I'm just trying to rectify and complete the meaning of the article.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Photography of Sustainability



Just sharing a blog post of pastor Jaeson Ma:

You will either see nothing as a miracle, or you can choose to see everything as a miracle. You can choose to use your logic, or you can choose to have faith. When logic no longer has an answer for your problems, that is when faith is most needed and that is when miracles happen. Everyday, if you pay close attention you will recognize that many things that happen are more than mere coincidence, but possibly a divine orchestration of God’s intervention. A few ways to experience a miracle in your life…

1.    Believe in a Good God ~ miracles happen when have faith in a God that can make the impossible, possible.  When we believe that God is good, anything can happen! The Devil is always bad, God is always good, put your faith in God’s goodness & you will expect good things to happen to you!
2.    Pray Often ~ when you begin to pray about everything your spiritual eyes began to see past logic and into the realm of faith. You enter from the natural into the supernatural and this creates an environment around you for miracles to happen.
3.    Look for Signs ~ many times we recognize miracles when we pay attention to divine signs that appear in our lives. When you realize that something you just prayed for happened, or something is too good to be true, it’s probably a miracle on the rise.
4.    Be expectant ~ miracles happen to those who believe, those who exercise their faith and desire to see uncommon hopes accomplished. A pastor once said, “Impossible situations can become possible miracles” Every challenge is opportunity for a miracle to happen!

Remember that, “Everyday holds the possibility of a miracle.” We got to believe that in every challenge of life that we face, it presents an opportunity for miracles to take place. After all, just the fact that we are alive is a miracle in itself…Yes, you are the greatest miracle of all!

Read the original post here.

Pastor Jaeson is the coolest pastor evar!.. lol.

In Asia

Newsong Irvine | {ME} Awaken Your Soul Pt. 5 "Prayer" [2010.03.14] from Newsong Church on Vimeo.

Random: All-Black Penguin


Project 365: #51-55

#51-Mar12:  It's the day to pass up FYP!
Hanging out at post-grad room.

#52-Mar13:  Battle of the Bands! 1st band setting up. Go Borneo! haha

#53-Mar14:  There're bands from main campus, as well as UiTM
Anyway, 1st place goes to the well-deserved The Echoes!
Then, SkyStalker, Bluetooth, d'Headache, and 6055.
Only 6055 is from my campus.. Sigh..
And BitterSweet was... not to say awesome... but really good!
d'Headache deserves 2nd place, instead of 4th!

Overall, this the first time such event is done in this campus.. evar.
And this Battle of the Bands exposed many hidden talents
within the campus, and brought music in this campus to a higher level.
Hopefully, next year, we will see more talents and improved talents.
Good! Hou!

#54-Mar15:  They installed this machine at Civil School! Cool!

#55-Mar16:  Learning about hazardous wastes
This pic was actually taken the previous day
Its basically the same anyway, for today.

What's Project 365? Read here.