Two Is Better Than One -FAIL
Trip Generation Survey Sites in Selangor
I was doing my Final Year Project (FYP).
I was indicating the survey sites on map.
As I was searching for location of ONE of the survey sites,
Google Map resulted with TWO possible locations.
Both were nearby, yet they're two different addresses.
At that moment, I was listening to "Two Is Better Than One".
And exactly when I was deciding which one to choose...
"I'm thinking twwoooo.. is better than oneee...."
that exact phrase was playing on my earphones...
I pinned down BOTH locations ~~
haha~~ woOps...
hopefully my supervisor is not reading this...
lalala.. =)
Woot! Marty Sampson featured on SingingSuccess !
Marty Sampson is one of Hillsong's awesome worship leader, musician, songwriter.
And SingingSuccess has by far the best vocal/voice/singing lessons in the whole world.
Marty Sampson is one of Hillsong's awesome worship leader, musician, songwriter.
And SingingSuccess has by far the best vocal/voice/singing lessons in the whole world.
Human Nature
I just read the recent post of two blogs on my sidebar.
Please read these two posts first before continuing:
Again, please read the two posts above first before continuing... thanks.
Incidentally... even though those two posts are talking about different events, the idea I get is the same. By the nature of human, we always get mixed up between justice and compassion. We get our mind mixed up with our heart. The mind says justice, the heart says compassion. Then, both clashes can causes confusion within us.
But you know what? What Jesus did on the cross was 100% compassion & 100% justice. It's FULLY compassion and FULLY justice at the same time. Unthinkable? Think about it. God is the chief judge. All of us are guilty of our sins. No one escapes that. So, to be 100% justice, all of us deserve full punishment from God. But, with 100% compassion, God the father sent His son Jesus to take ALL of our sins upon himself, and therefore receive ALL the punishment upon himself, alone. Imagine.. All the wrong that we did, and we should receive the punishment. But, Jesus came and took our place of the punishments, instead of us.
So, in the end, 100% justice was done, because ALL the sins of EVERYONE was punished. Yet, it is 100% compassion, because Jesus took the punishment for us, and spared all of us. How amazing was that?!
Another way to understand is through this famous story from Josh McDowell's book:
So, relating to what's going on recently, what I can say is.. Jesus is the answer. We need to have the mind of Christ. Human by nature is full of flaws and inner confusions. And guess what? The master of confusion is Satan himself. Sigh. So, what else can I say? Have the mind of Christ and God will guide and discipline us to do the right things and do the things right. He will take control of our minds and hearts.
Please read these two posts first before continuing:
Again, please read the two posts above first before continuing... thanks.
Incidentally... even though those two posts are talking about different events, the idea I get is the same. By the nature of human, we always get mixed up between justice and compassion. We get our mind mixed up with our heart. The mind says justice, the heart says compassion. Then, both clashes can causes confusion within us.
But you know what? What Jesus did on the cross was 100% compassion & 100% justice. It's FULLY compassion and FULLY justice at the same time. Unthinkable? Think about it. God is the chief judge. All of us are guilty of our sins. No one escapes that. So, to be 100% justice, all of us deserve full punishment from God. But, with 100% compassion, God the father sent His son Jesus to take ALL of our sins upon himself, and therefore receive ALL the punishment upon himself, alone. Imagine.. All the wrong that we did, and we should receive the punishment. But, Jesus came and took our place of the punishments, instead of us.
So, in the end, 100% justice was done, because ALL the sins of EVERYONE was punished. Yet, it is 100% compassion, because Jesus took the punishment for us, and spared all of us. How amazing was that?!
Another way to understand is through this famous story from Josh McDowell's book:
A young woman was stopped for speeding. The police officer ticketed her and took her before the judge. The judge read off the citation and asked, "Guilty or not guilty?" The woman replied, "Guilty." The judge brought down the gavel and fined her on hundred dollars or ten days in jail. Then he did an amazing thing. He stood up, he took off his robe, stepped down from the bench, took out his billfold, and paid the young woman's fine. Why? The judge was her father. He loved his daughter, yet he was a just judge. She had broken the law, and he couldn't simply say to her, "Because I love you so much, I forgive you. You may go scot-free." Had he done such a thing, he would not have been a righteous judge. He would not have upheld the law. But because of his love for his daughter, he was willing to take off his judicial robe, step down to her position, assume his relationship as her father, and pay the fine.
So, relating to what's going on recently, what I can say is.. Jesus is the answer. We need to have the mind of Christ. Human by nature is full of flaws and inner confusions. And guess what? The master of confusion is Satan himself. Sigh. So, what else can I say? Have the mind of Christ and God will guide and discipline us to do the right things and do the things right. He will take control of our minds and hearts.
Project 365: #33-36 Various
#33-Feb22: Was browsing the website of the coolest pastor in the world!... haha
just saying..
#34-Feb23: Intense heat trying to enter the window.
If it succeeds, it will land directly on my table and laptop.
#35-Feb24: Fire-drill at midnight.. the regular boring one.
Repeating the same stuffs every session.
#36-Feb25: CNY BBQ among coursemates!
More pics on Facebook album here.
What is Project 365? Read here.
I Wanna Watch!
Anyone got this movie?
Dont get the wrong movie. It's this one:
So, anyone? Pwease..?
Really love how pastor Jaeson Ma describes peace. Simple yet powerful words.
Quoted from his website:
I dedicate this text to all my coursemates currently struggling with their final year projects. These few weeks will be the most critical weeks for us as the deadline quickly approaches. It will be stressful for many. But, in God and only in God will we find the true, perfect peace. It is my prayer that you will catch the meaning of this text and learn something new; this promise; this assurance. Wish you guys all the best!
Quoted from his website:
Every person in this world is searching for some kind, some form of peace. We want peace in this world of chaos, we want peace of mind, peace in our relationships, we want peace in our souls and we want to be at peace with ourselves. But peace does NOT come from without, it does NOT come from within, peace comes from ABOVE. Know God, know peace. No God, no peace. It is that simple. Peace is a state of BEING, it is being one with God and one with ourselves. Peace can only be achieved through understanding. With God, we need to LET GO of our understanding and gain HIS understanding. He's got it under control and we just need to trust. It is then and only then can we find peace.
I dedicate this text to all my coursemates currently struggling with their final year projects. These few weeks will be the most critical weeks for us as the deadline quickly approaches. It will be stressful for many. But, in God and only in God will we find the true, perfect peace. It is my prayer that you will catch the meaning of this text and learn something new; this promise; this assurance. Wish you guys all the best!
Just Woww!
Before I share my story, please read this recent experience from a great man of God, Jaeson Ma.
Read the rest of the story here.
So, my part now. It's just a short one though...
Interestingly, I read this article yesterday... And this testimony of Jaeson touched me so much; it inspired me to do the same as well.. So, last night I asked God the same thing. I prayed to God, please let me help someone tomorrow, the way You would help them. And the next morning, which is this morning, I asked God again. I prayed to God, please let me help someone today, the way You would help them. I didn't know how this would work, but I just trusted God...
And guess what? Out of expectation, around noon time, I found myself helping out a coursemate with her final year project (FYP)..! Sounds typical? Nope. This one is different:
(1) I do not know anything about what her project is all about.
(2) I was not helping her to get the outcome; I taught her how to do it. (not to give someone a fish, but to teach the person how to fish)
(3) The thing I taught, I learnt as well... God taught me on the spot.. I myself never done it before.. ever.
(4) This happened at a weird, unexpected time. It was 10mins before 2pm class starts.
In detail.. I helped her do some macro-ing on MS Excel 2007, which myself never done it before, ever! Seriously! I tried on the spot, and God just made it work.! It's such a joy to bless others with what we have and sometimes even with what we do not have. In this particular case, I've blessed someone with something I DON'T even have. I self-learnt on the spot and I helped..!
Jesus, You are just plain awesome! I asked and You granted!
Thank you, Lord, for bringing me to pastor Jaeson's website in the first place!
So, Wow! I tried what pastor Jaeson did, and it worked !
God works.. again.. always..
You just never know what might happen everyday when you put yourself out there to love somebody. I had a long day and decided to cancel my last meeting of the night because I was seriously too physically exhausted. Before I went home though, I prayed to God, please let me help someone today the way You would help them. I didn’t know where to go, but I needed to go get a screw for my car’s license plate so I pulled up at a hardware store parking lot. Right when I came out of my car a man walks up to me and says, “Sir, I’m sorry to ask this but would you be generous enough to get me a hamburger and a drink? I said, “I would be happy to!”
He seemed very sheepish. His name was Billy. I could tell he was not your normal pan handler so I got to know him more. He told me had been out of work for 4 months, by trade he was a mason, but times were hard and he didn’t have enough money to eat that night. When we got to the counter of Mc Donald’s I asked him to order whatever he wanted. He ordered a #1 Big Mac meal. I told him to order more, to get anything he would like, but he simply said that would be enough. So I at least super sized the meal for him. I ended up getting my order and sat down and had a “happy meal” together haha.
Read the rest of the story here.
So, my part now. It's just a short one though...
Interestingly, I read this article yesterday... And this testimony of Jaeson touched me so much; it inspired me to do the same as well.. So, last night I asked God the same thing. I prayed to God, please let me help someone tomorrow, the way You would help them. And the next morning, which is this morning, I asked God again. I prayed to God, please let me help someone today, the way You would help them. I didn't know how this would work, but I just trusted God...
And guess what? Out of expectation, around noon time, I found myself helping out a coursemate with her final year project (FYP)..! Sounds typical? Nope. This one is different:
(1) I do not know anything about what her project is all about.
(2) I was not helping her to get the outcome; I taught her how to do it. (not to give someone a fish, but to teach the person how to fish)
(3) The thing I taught, I learnt as well... God taught me on the spot.. I myself never done it before.. ever.
(4) This happened at a weird, unexpected time. It was 10mins before 2pm class starts.
In detail.. I helped her do some macro-ing on MS Excel 2007, which myself never done it before, ever! Seriously! I tried on the spot, and God just made it work.! It's such a joy to bless others with what we have and sometimes even with what we do not have. In this particular case, I've blessed someone with something I DON'T even have. I self-learnt on the spot and I helped..!
Jesus, You are just plain awesome! I asked and You granted!
Thank you, Lord, for bringing me to pastor Jaeson's website in the first place!
So, Wow! I tried what pastor Jaeson did, and it worked !
God works.. again.. always..
Be Unreasonable
Extract from this article at Planet Green:
Here's a story:
Full article here:
"Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world, while unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. Therefore, all progress depends on unreasonable people."In fact, being unreasonable can often be the only way to work some sense into people and help them see how shifting the way the world works is far more beneficial than trying to shrink, and shrink, and shrink possibility down into something that will fit inside a far too reasonable world.
Here's a story:
When we're talking about changing the world for the better, we're also talking about being completely unreasonable people. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's tough, and much of the time it's completely worth it.
Full article here:
Project 365: #32 Blackout
#32-Feb21: Blackout at home around 10.00pm. A few rows of houses and shophouses were affected, but not the whole taman. That time, I was having dinner. haha.. dinner at 10pm.. woops.. It was so hot at home, so, me and my bro decided to go out for movie.. lol.. So, we went for the first time to the newly opened BIG Cinema at the newly opened Kulim Landmark Central mall in town.. the first ever mall in Kulim. That was around 11.30pm and there're only 3 movies available.. so, we chose 14 Blades... lol..
And guess what? other than the two of us, there's only another two persons watching the movie at that time, 11.50pm.. Can you imagine that? Only FOUR persons in the whole cinema hall?! Haha! Simply because we chose a weird movie at a weird time. Then, near the end of the movie, the Malay couple left earlier, leaving only the two of us in the whole hall... such cool experience! But we were freezing because there's not enough people generating heat (absorbing air-cond). lol... So, then we went home.
Dad said electricity came back around 12.45am.. So, how long they took to fix it? Anyway, 14 Blades for me seems nicer than True Legend. There are some cool weapons, nice actions, and they blended-in some other cultures as well, which makes the movie less dull.. And the story is not as typical and predictable. Good.
As for pic #30 & 31 for Project 365, I'll just refer back to #18.. nothing much other than doin FYP.
Project 365,
Master of Earthly Wealth
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysians lost a staggering RM9.9 million to conmen bomoh and fortune tellers last year, said police.Tallied from 229 reported cases, the figure represents an alarming 80 per cent increase from the year before, when there were 185 cases, involving RM5.5 million in losses.
Read the full news here.
We Are The World cover by Youtubers
From the video description:
Huge Thanks to Mike Kalombo for creating this track. You're the best
Troye Sivan
Melissa Polinar
Ben Sharkey
Iann Guérin
Bruce & Daniel
Mishal Moore
http://www.youtube.com/ Ahmirtv
Blair Perkins
Lyne Sullivan
Lois Mahalia
Chris Cendana
Luna Mae
Maria Zouroudis
Lisa Lavie
David Choi
Richard Rick Rose
Nick Pitera
Aj Rafael
Lucas Teague
Jessica Sanchez
Thia Megia
Shan Malaika
Emmanuelle Auger
Laura Broad
Sheena Melwani
Dan Talevski
Frank Bell
Orlando Dixon
Iman Crosson
JR Aquino
Eric Arceneaux
Stacy Dudero
Meghan Tonjes
James Dupre
Heidi Jutras
Anna Moya
Laura Song
Renee Thomas
Jon McSingee
Nick Gardner
Jon Cahlander
Julie Corrigan
It took Iman A.K.A Alphacat 3 days to edit all of these videos and took me 2 days to edit all of these vocals. :D
It was a nightmare hehe but we worked it out!!!
Thank you Love, you're the best!
Thank you to Chris Kalombo for the great ending graphic! Really appreciate it!
Business Inquiries only Contact:
Watch the official video here.
Nuclear Power!
Quoted from inhabitat news:
Then, in the comment section, there's this:
Hmm... my thoughts?
I believe this is just a transition phase of electricity tech, and it's needed that way; balancing environment factors, cost factors, etc.
In an effort to spur the United States towards a new age of nuclear power, President Obama announced yesterday that Southern Company would receive $8 billion in federal loan guarantees to construct two new reactors in Georgia. It’s been over 30 years since a nuclear plant has been constructed in the US, and these federal guarantees are essential to the creation of new reactors due to the high initial cost involved. President Obama cast the loan guarantees as economically essential and politically attractive, however we have to ask — why aren’t such significant investments being made into cleaner renewable energy solutions such as wind and solar?
Then, in the comment section, there's this:
wizewoman says:
Wind and solar are great technologies, but if we’re going to create enough new capacity to serve our growing hunger for electricity without resorting to coal (there’s no such thing as clean coal), nuclear power will need to be part of the equation in the interim. The technology for safe disposal of nuclear waste is available. A nuclear power plant requires a much smaller footprint than renewable technologies, thus disturbing less natural habitat. Suggested reading: Power to Save the World by Gwyneth Cravens. The author was a skeptic until she did the research. Information is power… read beyond your comfort level.
Hmm... my thoughts?
I believe this is just a transition phase of electricity tech, and it's needed that way; balancing environment factors, cost factors, etc.
Project 365: #28-29 Impromptu
#28-Feb17: Went back to visit the Tesco I've been working on for my internship.
Then, later on, went to watch True Legend at Village Mall.
While I was doing my internship there, this Tesco Sg Petani Selatan was about 60% to completion. That was around June last year. I was a trainee civil engineer/supervisor there. Now, it's up and running; very well designed and constructed! Actually, it was already launched before Hari Raya last year, some time around October. It's just that this is my first time visiting the completed structure since internship.
#29-Feb18: Noodle Station at Sunway Carnival Mall.
Later on, watched Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief
Later on, watched Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief
Short reviews:
True Legend: Seems to me like just another kung fu movie. Nice acting, nice actions & moves. Nice effects & graphics. The storyline is predictable and typical; the regular revenge plot. But, the weird part is, the movie is divided into two parts which are somewhat not so related. There's Jay Chou and Michelle Yeoh in the movie, but they're just side characters, appearing only in a few parts of the movie. Overall, just another kung fu movie. Nothing disappointing, yet nothing new/catchy.
Percy Jackson: Somewhat like Harry Potter movies. Interesting storyline. Cool effects & actions. Realistic graphics and animations. Well blend-in humors. But, twisted Greek mythology. Overall, worth watching. Satisfied! Cool~
Best CNY Evar~!
So, here's how I spent the first three(3) days of my CNY this year...
Note: These pics will be picture of the day #25, 26 & 27 for my Project 365.
And the game is Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion... Quite a few years already.. but has become my current favorite.
Thanks again for stopping by. ^^
With this..
Wahaha.. I'm a total FAILURE, no?
Thanks for stoppin by~~.
Note: These pics will be picture of the day #25, 26 & 27 for my Project 365.
And the game is Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion... Quite a few years already.. but has become my current favorite.
Thanks again for stopping by. ^^
Heart Animalz
Article from
She shared a stage with Michael Jackson in This Is It, but there's another thing that solo guitarist Orianthi has in common with the late King of Pop: a love for animals.
"I love all animals. I'm such an animal lover," Orianthi, who has a hit with the song "According to You," tells PEOPLE. "I've had pigeons, doves, mice. I had a cat, dogs. I have an aquarium full of fish, and some Mexican walking fish."
The musician, 25, who began playing guitar when she was just 6, grew up surrounded by animals, including rabbits. "Everyone thinks I came from a farm, but it was just a lot of land near the city," says the Australian artist.
Sometimes her animal friends even ruffled feathers in her neighborhood. "I had two roosters at one point and that was pretty noisy. Our neighbors didn't like us very much," she recalls. "They would crow at the same time. That's why we had them in soundproof kennels."
Living in Los Angeles since 2006, when she got a recording deal with Geffen records, the single singer has settled into life on the West Coast — but she admits a few things are missing.
"I miss my family most, and my animals. My dad and mum and sister and friends," she says. "I also have my ducks. I have seven ducks. There's Piddles, Tootsie, Broken — he's called broken because he was born with a broken wing -- and White Duck, I haven't really named him, we call him Whitey."
She shared a stage with Michael Jackson in This Is It, but there's another thing that solo guitarist Orianthi has in common with the late King of Pop: a love for animals.
"I love all animals. I'm such an animal lover," Orianthi, who has a hit with the song "According to You," tells PEOPLE. "I've had pigeons, doves, mice. I had a cat, dogs. I have an aquarium full of fish, and some Mexican walking fish."
The musician, 25, who began playing guitar when she was just 6, grew up surrounded by animals, including rabbits. "Everyone thinks I came from a farm, but it was just a lot of land near the city," says the Australian artist.
Sometimes her animal friends even ruffled feathers in her neighborhood. "I had two roosters at one point and that was pretty noisy. Our neighbors didn't like us very much," she recalls. "They would crow at the same time. That's why we had them in soundproof kennels."
Living in Los Angeles since 2006, when she got a recording deal with Geffen records, the single singer has settled into life on the West Coast — but she admits a few things are missing.
"I miss my family most, and my animals. My dad and mum and sister and friends," she says. "I also have my ducks. I have seven ducks. There's Piddles, Tootsie, Broken — he's called broken because he was born with a broken wing -- and White Duck, I haven't really named him, we call him Whitey."
Project 365: #22-23
#22-Feb11: Installing Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion ... ^^
#23-Feb12: My first time at Jammin' Senzation
We Are The World remake for Haiti
Totally loved this new version!
Official list of artists involved in the project:
* Carlos Santana
* Sugarland
* Natalie Cole
* India.Arie
* Mary Mary
* Bebe Winans
* Tyrese Gibson
* Raphael Saadiq
* Keri Hilson
* Heart
* Pink
* Miley Cyrus
* Jordin Sparks
* Katharine McPhee
* Patti Austin
* Usher
* The Fray
* Nicole Richie
* Ethan Bortnick (9-year-old prodigy pianist)
* Taj Jackson
* Freda Payne
* Lil Wayne
* Harry Connick Jr.
* Bizzy Bones (Bone Thugs-n-Harmony)
* Orianthi (This Is It guitarist)
* Rickey Minor (American Idol music director)
* Adam Levine
* Earth Wind & Fire
* Jonas Brothers
* Nicole Scherzinger
* Julianne Hough
* Melanie Fiona
* Mya
* Anthony Hamilton
* Gladys Knight
* Joel Madden
* Benji Madden
* Musiq Soulchild
* Randy Jackson
* Kid Cudi
* Trey Songz
* Taryll Jackson
* T.J. Jackson
* Drake
* Faith Evans
* Rashida Jones
* Al Jardine
* A.R. Rahman (Grammy winner, “Jai Ho”)
* Jason Mraz
* Akon
* Jennifer Hudson
* Enrique Iglesias
* Toni Braxton
* Lady Gaga
* Justin Bieber
* Celine Dion
* T-Pain
* Trey Songz
* Kanye West
* Tony Bennett
* Beach Boy Brian Wilson
* Snoop Dogg
* Jamie Foxx
* Jeff Bridges
* LL Cool J
* Wyclef Jean
* Vince Vaughn
* Robin Thicke
* Akon
* will.i.am
* Reba McEntire
* Brandy
* Josh Groban
* Rob Thomas
* Zac Brown Band
* Barbra Streisand
Official list of artists involved in the project:
* Carlos Santana
* Sugarland
* Natalie Cole
* India.Arie
* Mary Mary
* Bebe Winans
* Tyrese Gibson
* Raphael Saadiq
* Keri Hilson
* Heart
* Pink
* Miley Cyrus
* Jordin Sparks
* Katharine McPhee
* Patti Austin
* Usher
* The Fray
* Nicole Richie
* Ethan Bortnick (9-year-old prodigy pianist)
* Taj Jackson
* Freda Payne
* Lil Wayne
* Harry Connick Jr.
* Bizzy Bones (Bone Thugs-n-Harmony)
* Orianthi (This Is It guitarist)
* Rickey Minor (American Idol music director)
* Adam Levine
* Earth Wind & Fire
* Jonas Brothers
* Nicole Scherzinger
* Julianne Hough
* Melanie Fiona
* Mya
* Anthony Hamilton
* Gladys Knight
* Joel Madden
* Benji Madden
* Musiq Soulchild
* Randy Jackson
* Kid Cudi
* Trey Songz
* Taryll Jackson
* T.J. Jackson
* Drake
* Faith Evans
* Rashida Jones
* Al Jardine
* A.R. Rahman (Grammy winner, “Jai Ho”)
* Jason Mraz
* Akon
* Jennifer Hudson
* Enrique Iglesias
* Toni Braxton
* Lady Gaga
* Justin Bieber
* Celine Dion
* T-Pain
* Trey Songz
* Kanye West
* Tony Bennett
* Beach Boy Brian Wilson
* Snoop Dogg
* Jamie Foxx
* Jeff Bridges
* LL Cool J
* Wyclef Jean
* Vince Vaughn
* Robin Thicke
* Akon
* will.i.am
* Reba McEntire
* Brandy
* Josh Groban
* Rob Thomas
* Zac Brown Band
* Barbra Streisand
Andrew Garcia for American Idol #1!
Youtube uniting for American Idol!
Just after the first night of the Hollywood Week, here's the chronological order of tweet responses from some of the greatest musicians and entertainers on Youtube (those that I follow):
@scottyoshimoto: i love @andrewagarcia i'm like a little fan boy screaming in my room! #teamandrewgarcia for AMERICAN IDOL!
@randolphpermejo: @andrewagarcia i love you man get it done ! #teamandrewgarcia
@scottyoshimoto: DAMNNNNN BROTHAAAAAA SOOO BOMBBBBBB @andrewagarcia #teamandrewgarcia
@albertposis: ANDREW FRICKIN KILLLLLLED IT!!! @andrewagarcia #teamandrewgarcia
@JenniferJChung: @andrewagarcia straight up i do wanna love you forever!!!
@ajRAFAEL: #teamAndrewGarcia @andrewagarcia dude so amazing seriously bro almost in tears bro! SO HAPPY FOR YOU!
@andrewagarcia: LOOOOOVE YALL!!!!!!!! THIS IS CRAZY!!! I LOOOOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!! AAHH!!
@randolphpermejo: @andrewagarcia sexy ass beast. you are a beast. STRAIGHT UP
@RayWJ: ACCURATE PREDICTION: Fellow Youtuber *Andrew Garcia* will win this season's American Idol: http://bit.ly/9ocDQD #LetsMakeThisHappen
@JRAquino: @andrewagarcia you were amazing tonight bro! Idol isn't ready for you! So happy for you man! #TeamAndrewGarcia!!
@andrewagarcia: #teamandrewgarcia!!!! THANK YOU GUYS!!!!!!=)
@RayWJ: @andrewagarcia When the voting rounds start, we're putting together a Youtube voting campaign to help you out, my man.
@andrewagarcia: @RayWJ Brotha!!! Lets hope i make it man, its crazy!! Dude love your vids bro!!!
@TheRealRyanHiga: OOps @andrewagarcia my bad! :)
@andrewagarcia: @TheRealRyanHiga dude love you man!!! you're the bomb bro
@rickey: @TheRealRyanHiga So the YouTube army is coming out to watch American Idol this year? Sweet!
@TheRealRyanHiga: @andrewagarcia its always great to see a youtuber making it mainstream! good luck man! #teamAndrewGarcia
@scottyoshimoto: can we just end the American Idol season now and crown @andrewagarcia the winner? #teamandrewgarcia =]]]
And you gotta watch this:
If you're a regular Youtuber, Andrew Garcia should already be a familiar name to you. He's among the greatest music talent on Youtube!
So, yeaahh! Andrew Garcia for Number ONE! #TeamAndrewGarcia!
Just after the first night of the Hollywood Week, here's the chronological order of tweet responses from some of the greatest musicians and entertainers on Youtube (those that I follow):
@scottyoshimoto: i love @andrewagarcia i'm like a little fan boy screaming in my room! #teamandrewgarcia for AMERICAN IDOL!
@randolphpermejo: @andrewagarcia i love you man get it done ! #teamandrewgarcia
@scottyoshimoto: DAMNNNNN BROTHAAAAAA SOOO BOMBBBBBB @andrewagarcia #teamandrewgarcia
@albertposis: ANDREW FRICKIN KILLLLLLED IT!!! @andrewagarcia #teamandrewgarcia
@JenniferJChung: @andrewagarcia straight up i do wanna love you forever!!!
@ajRAFAEL: #teamAndrewGarcia @andrewagarcia dude so amazing seriously bro almost in tears bro! SO HAPPY FOR YOU!
@andrewagarcia: LOOOOOVE YALL!!!!!!!! THIS IS CRAZY!!! I LOOOOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!! AAHH!!
@randolphpermejo: @andrewagarcia sexy ass beast. you are a beast. STRAIGHT UP
@RayWJ: ACCURATE PREDICTION: Fellow Youtuber *Andrew Garcia* will win this season's American Idol: http://bit.ly/9ocDQD #LetsMakeThisHappen
@JRAquino: @andrewagarcia you were amazing tonight bro! Idol isn't ready for you! So happy for you man! #TeamAndrewGarcia!!
@andrewagarcia: #teamandrewgarcia!!!! THANK YOU GUYS!!!!!!=)
@RayWJ: @andrewagarcia When the voting rounds start, we're putting together a Youtube voting campaign to help you out, my man.
@andrewagarcia: @RayWJ Brotha!!! Lets hope i make it man, its crazy!! Dude love your vids bro!!!
@TheRealRyanHiga: OOps @andrewagarcia my bad! :)
@andrewagarcia: @TheRealRyanHiga dude love you man!!! you're the bomb bro
@rickey: @TheRealRyanHiga So the YouTube army is coming out to watch American Idol this year? Sweet!
@TheRealRyanHiga: @andrewagarcia its always great to see a youtuber making it mainstream! good luck man! #teamAndrewGarcia
@scottyoshimoto: can we just end the American Idol season now and crown @andrewagarcia the winner? #teamandrewgarcia =]]]
And you gotta watch this:
If you're a regular Youtuber, Andrew Garcia should already be a familiar name to you. He's among the greatest music talent on Youtube!
So, yeaahh! Andrew Garcia for Number ONE! #TeamAndrewGarcia!
Project 365: #18-21 Project Fail
There's nothing much going on for the past few days. So, here are some random stuffs I did on the days.
#18-Feb7-Sunday: Did my FYP
#19-Feb8-Monday: Processed the prestress trip videos
#20-Feb9-Tuesday: Random Youtubings
#21-Feb10-Wednesday: Back home out of plan. The working room at home.
Don't know what is Project 365? Read here.
Facebook and the New Interface
Click for clearer view. Blogspot won't resize nicely
On the technical side... yeah.. there's still some temporary problems with the new system like with the Twitter feeds and so on... They are on the way fixing it.
On the interface itself... many people says it sucks, actually because they are not used to it yet. Same case for me. All this is also new to me. But let's really look at it and compare with the previous. The arrangements are made more systematic and convenient. The most common activities we do on Facebook are now easily available at the left sidebar... all of them; News feed, photos, videos, messages, and most of all.. our most often played games... All available at the sidebar. Then, the notifications are now located at the top, as a drop-down.
This arrangement is more tidy in the sense that, we no longer need to look at bottom left of the screen for the games, then run our eyes to the bottom right for the notifications, then run our eyes all the way to the top left for the messages, then top right to logout. Get what I mean? The previous design requires us to run our eyes everywhere to fully use Facebook. Now, we just need to focus on the top half of the screen, which is more natural to the eyes, because our eyes by nature is more comfortable looking straight than looking down. By looking straight we will see the top part of the screen.

And yeap, another systematic feature is that the things we do most often are now grouped together for better convenience. Cool.
So, the new design is indeed much simplified, systematic, and tidier. Great work, developers! Give us some time and we'll get used to it.
ADD::: SURPRISING news for my environmentalist friends. Just found out that Facebook is powered by coal plants, the number 1 cause of climate change.
Blessed Child
I just read this article on TheStar:
Kris Allen wows Malaysian fans
Indeed, Kris Allen is a true blessing from God; seen from his humility and having set the right priorities in life.
If you guys haven't know, Kris is a wonderfully gifted worship leader at his church, New Life Church, Arkansas.
Enjoy this worship session with Kris:
Kris Allen wows Malaysian fans
“A year and a half ago, I was in my small apartment, not really doing anything. Who would have thought that I’d end up here?” said the soft-spoken singer, whose self-titled post-Idol album has sold about 245,000 copies to date.He added that he preferred not not to seek publicity but focus on his music.
“(Being low-key) is the way I am. I’d rather hang out with my wife or go out to dinner (than attend red-carpet events),” he told a press preview here yesterday.
Indeed, Kris Allen is a true blessing from God; seen from his humility and having set the right priorities in life.
If you guys haven't know, Kris is a wonderfully gifted worship leader at his church, New Life Church, Arkansas.
Enjoy this worship session with Kris:
Spiritual Gift Test
I just took this newly added, Spiritual Gift Test by New Life Church.
And here's my result:
Your Top Five
There is a "sweet spot" of ministry that God has designed for each of us. Often, your top 5 highest scored gifts can give a clue to what your area of ministry can be. Below you will see the top 5 spiritual gifts based on the answers you provided. This will be a help to you as you serve to use more of what God's given to you. It can also be helpful for you to look in the right direction of how you should serve.
Helps: You love to help others, nothing is too much to ask, and others seek you out when they face a practical need.
Mercy: You feel the needs of others and you do what you can to help them.
Discernment: You have a sense of what is motivating a person, and can discern whether that is from God or not.
Faith: You believe God will do it before anyone does and long after others have given up, you believe until it happens!
Wisdom: You know just the right thing to say at just the right time that helps others hear God.
Spiritual Gift | Score
Faith 10
Mercy 11
Healing 9
Gift of Tongues 5
Interpretation of Tongues 3
Leadership 7
Pastor 8
Discernment 11
Knowledge 7
Wisdom 10
Encouragement 10
Helps 12
Hospitality 6
Giving 10
Administration 10
Teaching 10
Evangelism 10
Prophecy 8
How's yours? Take the test here! and be blessed!
And here's my result:
Your Top Five
There is a "sweet spot" of ministry that God has designed for each of us. Often, your top 5 highest scored gifts can give a clue to what your area of ministry can be. Below you will see the top 5 spiritual gifts based on the answers you provided. This will be a help to you as you serve to use more of what God's given to you. It can also be helpful for you to look in the right direction of how you should serve.
Helps: You love to help others, nothing is too much to ask, and others seek you out when they face a practical need.
Mercy: You feel the needs of others and you do what you can to help them.
Discernment: You have a sense of what is motivating a person, and can discern whether that is from God or not.
Faith: You believe God will do it before anyone does and long after others have given up, you believe until it happens!
Wisdom: You know just the right thing to say at just the right time that helps others hear God.
Spiritual Gift | Score
Faith 10
Mercy 11
Healing 9
Gift of Tongues 5
Interpretation of Tongues 3
Leadership 7
Pastor 8
Discernment 11
Knowledge 7
Wisdom 10
Encouragement 10
Helps 12
Hospitality 6
Giving 10
Administration 10
Teaching 10
Evangelism 10
Prophecy 8
How's yours? Take the test here! and be blessed!
Mafia Night
Project 365 #17-Feb6: Civil Night - The Feud
Just some short reviews:
Everything else was great except:
1) Overall coordination of event is very bad.
Timing, delays, synchronization, movements, etc.
Timing, delays, synchronization, movements, etc.
2) Hall lighting bad.
(a) Stage has too little light during performance.
(b) Cant dim light when preparing for sketch, etc.
Can still see people running here n there.
Can still see people running here n there.
3) Computer technicals bad.
(a) Projector location inappropriate.
(b) Desktop, media player, and other transition activities
shouldn't be shown on screen.
shouldn't be shown on screen.
4) Presentation slides was plain and not catchy enough.
5) Priority was not given to seniors.
(a) Buffet food should let the 4th year take first.
(b) Even throughout the event, 4th year were not given better treatments.
(a) Buffet food should let the 4th year take first.
(b) Even throughout the event, 4th year were not given better treatments.
6) Contests are still SMS-based. Lack creativity.
7) Where's the farewell session for 4th year? Just pictures?
8) Costume design & theme effects was not clear.
9) Hospitality?
10) Half of the audience went missing halfway through the night.
Why? Think about that.
Why? Think about that.
Overall, choice of venue is unsatisfactory.
Dark Revelation is still the best civil night yet.
Even the food was just ok-ok only
Too much budget for the food and venue i guess?
Anyway, thanks to the 2nd years for trying their best!
Project 365,
Project 365: #16 Reign of Rain 2
It rained exactly after I washed my clothings, and there goes my shirts.
No. They did not catch rain. Haha.
It's just that they have nowhere to lay. lol.
Don't know what is Project 365? Read here.
Project 365: #14-15 Prestress Trip
#14-Feb3: Staying at UTM KL hostel, before trip on next day
#15-Feb4: Site visit to.. erm... forgot the name.. swt
Both pictures taken by my friend. So, no watermarks.
Don't know what is Project 365? Read here.
Don't know what is Project 365? Read here.
Project 365: #13 Recycle
#13-Feb2: Recycling corner at hostel
Don't know what is Project 365? Read here.
Some random stuff:
Project 365,
Project 365: #12 Surprise Fault
#12-Feb1: I just realised last-minute that there's a test tomorrow.
I can only blame myself. =(
Don't know what is Project 365? Read here.
God works... always.
Just a short statement:
Thank God for people that made me to my work.
haha. I'm such a lazy ass.
And, for Project 365, i think I won't be having any picture for today, simply because a was doing my work! lol. So, picture #11 is... no picture. wakaka.
Anyway, again, thank God for people around me.
EDIT: I think I'll just take a picture of some random thing around me now...
So, here's the picture of the day:
Thank God for people that made me to my work.
haha. I'm such a lazy ass.
And, for Project 365, i think I won't be having any picture for today, simply because a was doing my work! lol. So, picture #11 is... no picture. wakaka.
Anyway, again, thank God for people around me.
EDIT: I think I'll just take a picture of some random thing around me now...
So, here's the picture of the day:
#11-Jan31: My Youtube amp.. see the words? "Youtube" ^.^
Project 365