
Really love how pastor Jaeson Ma describes peace. Simple yet powerful words.

Quoted from his website:
Every person in this world is searching for some kind, some form of peace.  We want peace in this world of chaos, we want peace of mind, peace in our relationships, we want peace in our souls and we want to be at peace with ourselves.  But peace does NOT come from without, it does NOT come from within, peace comes from ABOVE.  Know God, know peace. No God, no peace. It is that simple.  Peace is a state of BEING, it is being one with God and one with ourselves.  Peace can only be achieved through understanding.  With God, we need to LET GO of our understanding and gain HIS understanding.  He's got it under control and we just need to trust.  It is then and only then can we find peace.

I dedicate this text to all my coursemates currently struggling with their final year projects.  These few weeks will be the most critical weeks for us as the deadline quickly approaches.  It will be stressful for many.  But, in God and only in God will we find the true, perfect peace.  It is my prayer that you will catch the meaning of this text and learn something new; this promise; this assurance.  Wish you guys all the best!


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