Andrew Garcia for American Idol #1!

Youtube uniting for American Idol!

Just after the first night of the Hollywood Week, here's the chronological order of tweet responses from some of the greatest musicians and entertainers on Youtube (those that I follow):

@scottyoshimoto: i love @andrewagarcia i'm like a little fan boy screaming in my room! #teamandrewgarcia for AMERICAN IDOL!

@randolphpermejo: @andrewagarcia i love you man get it done ! #teamandrewgarcia

@scottyoshimoto: DAMNNNNN BROTHAAAAAA SOOO BOMBBBBBB @andrewagarcia #teamandrewgarcia

@albertposis: ANDREW FRICKIN KILLLLLLED IT!!! @andrewagarcia #teamandrewgarcia

@JenniferJChung: @andrewagarcia straight up i do wanna love you forever!!!

@ajRAFAEL: #teamAndrewGarcia @andrewagarcia dude so amazing seriously bro almost in tears bro! SO HAPPY FOR YOU!

@andrewagarcia: LOOOOOVE YALL!!!!!!!! THIS IS CRAZY!!! I LOOOOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!! AAHH!!

@randolphpermejo: @andrewagarcia sexy ass beast. you are a beast. STRAIGHT UP

@RayWJ: ACCURATE PREDICTION: Fellow Youtuber *Andrew Garcia* will win this season's American Idol: #LetsMakeThisHappen

@JRAquino: @andrewagarcia you were amazing tonight bro! Idol isn't ready for you! So happy for you man! #TeamAndrewGarcia!!

@andrewagarcia: #teamandrewgarcia!!!! THANK YOU GUYS!!!!!!=)

@RayWJ: @andrewagarcia When the voting rounds start, we're putting together a Youtube voting campaign to help you out, my man.

@andrewagarcia: @RayWJ Brotha!!! Lets hope i make it man, its crazy!! Dude love your vids bro!!!

@TheRealRyanHiga: OOps @andrewagarcia my bad! :)

@andrewagarcia: @TheRealRyanHiga dude love you man!!! you're the bomb bro

@rickey: @TheRealRyanHiga So the YouTube army is coming out to watch American Idol this year? Sweet!

@TheRealRyanHiga: @andrewagarcia its always great to see a youtuber making it mainstream! good luck man! #teamAndrewGarcia

@scottyoshimoto: can we just end the American Idol season now and crown @andrewagarcia the winner? #teamandrewgarcia =]]]

And you gotta watch this:

If you're a regular Youtuber, Andrew Garcia should already be a familiar name to you. He's among the greatest music talent on Youtube!

So, yeaahh! Andrew Garcia for Number ONE! #TeamAndrewGarcia!


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