Nuclear Power!

Quoted from inhabitat news:

In an effort to spur the United States towards a new age of nuclear power, President Obama announced yesterday that Southern Company would receive $8 billion in federal loan guarantees to construct two new reactors in Georgia. It’s been over 30 years since a nuclear plant has been constructed in the US, and these federal guarantees are essential to the creation of new reactors due to the high initial cost involved. President Obama cast the loan guarantees as economically essential and politically attractive, however we have to ask — why aren’t such significant investments being made into cleaner renewable energy solutions such as wind and solar?

 Then, in the comment section, there's this:

wizewoman says:
Wind and solar are great technologies, but if we’re going to create enough new capacity to serve our growing hunger for electricity without resorting to coal (there’s no such thing as clean coal), nuclear power will need to be part of the equation in the interim. The technology for safe disposal of nuclear waste is available. A nuclear power plant requires a much smaller footprint than renewable technologies, thus disturbing less natural habitat. Suggested reading: Power to Save the World by Gwyneth Cravens. The author was a skeptic until she did the research. Information is power… read beyond your comfort level.

Hmm... my thoughts?
I believe this is just a transition phase of electricity tech, and it's needed that way; balancing environment factors, cost factors, etc.


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